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Helena joins local transport campaigners to highlight need for better public transport

Helena attended the annual Marsh Link Action Group (MLAG) meeting to discuss how local transport networks can be improved. As MP she will campaign in parliament to secure funding to improve Hastings & Rye's transport services.

Helena's view at the annual MLAG meeting

Helena reported, "It was good to join the MarshLink Action Group annual meeting.

People regularly raise public transport from trains to buses with me - whether the cost, the need for faster trains, later services or the cuts to bus services in our villages.

With no economic growth, a climate emergency and a cost of living crisis, improving our public transport infrastructure has never been more important."

Helena in Rye, where MLAG are campaigning for better transport services.

Improving transport links has not been on the local political agenda since it was dropped by the former MP, Amber Rudd, shortly after the 2017 rail summit notified the government were prioritising improvements elsewhere.

After working with local transport campaigners and understanding how local transport networks can be improved, Helena is campaigning to get the issue of transport back on the agenda. With a change in government, Helena would use her role as an MP to get improvement projects in the Hastings and Rye area high on a new Labour government's priority list.


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