More affordable childcare will give every child the best start and get our economy growing again.
Helena recently criticised the government for failing to deliver on childcare.
She stated, "Unaffordable, unequal childcare is a HUGE barrier to UK productivity and economic growth Childcare is vital economic infrastructure but for the Conservative Party it’s collateral damage- a government who have given up governing."
At the Labour Party conference, Helena backed the childcare reform policies Labour unveiled. Moreover, she has also backed the campaign to make these reforms a priority if she is elected as MP.
The reform policies laid out by Bridget Phillipson, the Shadow education secretary were:
Free breakfast clubs for every primary school child.
Increase the early years pupil premium from £302 a year to £1,345 a year.
Expanding the number of childcare providers to increase the number of childcare hours parents can access.
Increasing services for children in the early stages of learning and development.
Providing ways to make childcare more affordable.
The end goal of these reforms is to
Give all children the best start in life.
Support women in work.
Create better choices for all families.
Promote family-friendly workplaces.
Labour will also help younger people by improving schools.
More of Labour's education policies can be read in the following link: